Friday, December 18, 2009

Question about nuvaring and yeast infection cream side effects..?

I know I'm experiencing some side effects of the nuvaring. I've become easily irritated and I get depressed very quickly and easily too. I'm just wondering how long it'll be before these effects diminish. I don't like crying when I know in my brain that there isn't even a good reason to cry. Help??

16 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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1 minute ago

I've been treating a yeast infection with cream since Tuesday night. I know that it can cause the hormones to be produced in higher amounts. Do you think that once I'm done with my treatment that everything will go back to normal?Question about nuvaring and yeast infection cream side effects..?
I have NEVER had anything of the sort happen to me. Why not just get monistat or something like that from the store? The 7 day ones work best for me. I've only had two or three of them. Don't eat a lot of sugar. That's bad to promote yeast.Question about nuvaring and yeast infection cream side effects..?
I am on NuvaRing as well and have also had issues with the Ring and Yeast Infections. It's actually a very common side effect. Do NOT try to self-prescribe a cream. At least talk with the pharmasist, better your OB/GYN. Oil-based creams can effect blood levels of hormones. Report Abuse

I got pregant using the ring....if you take it in and out alot with out washing it . Could cause the infections.

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