Friday, December 18, 2009

Progesterone cream side effects?

I am 6 days past ovulation and started on natural progesterone cream 4 days ago in an effort to correct a luteal phase defect.

My symptoms started at 3 days past ovulation and include light cramping, pulling sensation on the hips, sore breasts and as of yesterday, fatigue as well.

During my previous pregnancy I started cramping at 4 days past ovulation (without progesterone).

My question is - has anyone experienced cramping and tender breasts on progesterone cream? If not, I could very well be pregnant. Just not sure if all this is caused by the cream or a by a little peanut. ;)

Thanks for your responses.Progesterone cream side effects?
If you have symptoms sooner than implantation, they're all in your head. I'm not being mean; it's just the simple truth. Sorry.

ETA: I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. What I meant to say is that you appear to be trying to determine whether your symptoms are suggestive of pregnancy or whether they are from progesterone supplementation. They are not from pregnancy. They are not likely to be from the progesterone either because it is progesterone withdrawal that typically causes cramping, sore breasts, etc., but all women do react differently.

I do not doubt that you are feeling something that makes you believe you are having ';symptoms.'; However, it seems to me to be likely that you are not feeling things that are unusual for you. Rather, you are interpreting them as unusual because you are wanting so badly to be pregnant. That's what I meant when I said it was all in your head. I do this every month myself, despite the fact that I know I am doing it. ;)

Anyway, good luck. I hope it's your month.Progesterone cream side effects?
It's a common side effect of the progesterone. Ignore the nimrod who wants to play Internet doctor and says ';it's in your head.'; Actually, I have stronger words for him, but I'm sure they would pass Yahoo's censors. Report Abuse

Those are side effects of the progesterone. Unfortunately, some of them also mimic pregnancy, so if you are pregnant it's hard to tell the difference.

Luckily, you'll be able to test in another week.

I hope this is your month! Good luck!
I too was recently put on Progesterone, but I am having to do the stupid suppositories (yuck). Anyway, I started taking them on 2/5/08 and I've noticed cramping and nausea within a few minutes of inserting one. I also notice the nausea, along with diarrhea and more frequent urination throughout the day. Some more common side effects of progesterone are headache, breast tenderness, diarrhea, vaginal discharge, problems with urination, dizziness or drowsiness.

It's soooo hard to tell the difference between what is caused by the progesterone and what might be actual pregnancy symptoms. Especially since naturally produced progesterone is what causes pregnancy symptoms in the first place. The only thing I can suggest is keep up with what symptoms you experience and suffer through the 2ww *sigh*.

If you happen to experience any more serious side effects, like chest pain, blurred vision or loss of vision, numbness or tingling in the arms or legs, sudden shortness of breath, unexpected vaginal bleeding, breast lumps, migraines, or uncontrollable shaking you should contact your doctor immediately.

Good luck and baby dust!

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